Start on the blue trail leading from Pec along the right bank of the river Úpa, parallel to the main road heading toVelká Úpa. Reach Javoří mlýn (Maple Mill) in Velká Úpa within 20 minutes, turn right uphill, ascend along the green trail till Červenokostelecká bouda chalet, move on along the blue track until the signpost junction by Thámovy boudy chalets.
Proceed on the green trail till Vlašské boudy chalets. Then via the yellow mark towards Pěticestí on to reach the edge of Černohorské rašeliniště (Black Mountain Moorland). Turn to the left, cross the moorland, get to Pardubické boudy chalets located at the south-western foothill of Černá hora and Světlá hora mountains.
Let yourself be immersed in glorious vistas of Pec, the village of Mladé Buky and the town of Trutnov. You can reach Černá bouda chalet at the hillside of Černá hora within 15 minutes (the green, then the blue trail).
Take the red trail to get to Kolínská bouda chalet, the yellow mark continues past the chalet to Pec.